24/7 emergency hotline for medical technology
Clinics, practices, laboratories – your customers are under two-fold pressure every day: work overload and economic efficiency. The clinic manager, the practice doctor and laboratory operator are all entrepreneurs at the same time. Just like you. If a medical device fails, your customer needs to keep a cool head while also receiving reliable customer service from the manufacturer. It's important now to minimise the downtime as quickly as possible. With on-call service, ideally around the clock.
Diagnosis: fault
Therapy recommendation: 24/7 inbound professionals on your service hotline. In order to guarantee smooth operations for your customers, it's important for you to offer constant, immediate availability. With a contact person who listens in a personal way and initiates the most important steps immediately.
Here's what you gain!
Cost savings
There is no longer any need for you to recruit and train your own employees for the purposes of professional technical fault acceptance Our teams are able to fix common problems themselves, order spare parts, and coordinate the appointments with the technicians.
If you decide to opt for technical fault acceptance from us, your new customer service team will have an overview of all incoming fault reports and service requests – whether by phone, by email or through automated error messages. Each case is carefully documented.